Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio: Artist Statement: To craft my Final Portfolio in InDesign, I began by sketching the cover, index, and all 10 assignment pages, along with a back cover. My goal was to achieve a clean, professional, and engaging layout. I selected a harmonious color scheme using Adobe Color and picked two fonts—one for headings and one for body text—to complement my theme. Using InDesign, I set up a 13-page document sized at 8.5 x 11 inches with a bleed of 0.125 inches. I organized my design into layers for text, logo, page numbers, and background. Throughout the process, I utilized various tools such as the type tool, line tool, rectangle frame tool, and shape tools. I adjusted stroke patterns and fill colors using the dropper tool and properties tab to match my chosen color scheme. Starting with the cover, index, and about me pages, I aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction and overview of my semester projects. I ensured my artist statement was included on ea...