Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio:
Using InDesign, I set up a 13-page document sized at 8.5 x 11 inches with a bleed of 0.125 inches. I organized my design into layers for text, logo, page numbers, and background. Throughout the process, I utilized various tools such as the type tool, line tool, rectangle frame tool, and shape tools. I adjusted stroke patterns and fill colors using the dropper tool and properties tab to match my chosen color scheme.
Starting with the cover, index, and about me pages, I aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction and overview of my semester projects. I ensured my artist statement was included on each assignment page, using fun textboxes with contrasting stroke patterns and colors against the page background.
My previous experience with the Postcard and Business Card assignments in InDesign greatly influenced the creation of a professional and visually appealing layout for my final portfolio.
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