Ps Homework 2

    After viewing the documentary based upon the art of Platon's photography, portraits in particular, I feel as if I have gained knowledge on the importance of emotion behind photography as well. Platon explains how his portraits and what is captured is dependent on both his and his subject mood and state of mind in that brief moment when the photo is captured. Platon is specifically known for his portraits of famous world leaders, often featured as the cover of Time Magazine. These portraits allow for the subjects to express the emotions surrounding power and therefore send a message to the Time Magazine's American viewers.

    Once I had reached the end of this documentary episode by "Abstract: The Art of Design", I followed the next link in the assignment in order to view "The People's Portfolio". As I looked through the images presented in the different folders on this webpage, I felt emotion connected with each. One photo in particular, however, stuck out to me. This image portrayed Maison Dorca women's singing group, in which Congolese women are gathered close together with smiles on their faces. This image is from a portfolio designated toward the struggle to end sexual violence in the Congo, and visualizes the efforts made by women to support each other in a multiplicity of ways such as providing music therapy programs, along with community, and psychological support for victimized women. This particular photograph evoked emotion within me because I am a huge supporter of women's rights and work to help empower other women my life. I believe the strength and solitary being encouraged amongst these women who have been through so much already is truly inspirational. 

    Below is a photograph taken of my close friends and I during a warm day interacting with each other and the setting, or environment, of Clearwater Beach. I employed another one of our friends to capture this image with the back camera of an iPhone, at an angle slightly below eye level. This image represent the joy that being at the beach and each other's presences brings us. The body language shown of our hands in the air in a playful way exaggerates this point. Additionally, we all have smiles portrayed upon our faces to show the positive emotion and empowerment that being in the beach environment and in each other's presence brings us.


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