Artist Statement:
To create my personal logo I first brainstormed objects that are representative of who I am as a person and combine them in unique ways. Of the ten I sketched, I chose a logo that I created which combine a dumbbell and a lotus flower. Both of these are meaningful objects to me because through weightlifting, I was able to unleash the meaning of overcoming adversity, growth, and rebirth, universally represented by the lotus flower. I then inserted this sketch into Adobe Illustrator and using the pen tool and a variety of the program's features, including the reflection option, I was able to create this visual illustration of my logo in black and white. Next I went on to make three copies of this logo on the same layer in illustrator. I decided on a different color scheme for each version, each involving three empowering yet introspective colors. Moreover, I believe my choice in color scheme also allowed for me to highlight the different dimensions of the petals and the stem, dually representative of the handle of the dumbbell.
Inspirational Images:
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