Animated GIF: Original Images: Artist Statement: The animated gif that I created through my knowledge of Adobe Photoshop explores the emotional journey of a coffee cup, personifying it with expressions of sadness when empty and joy when filled. I began the process of creating my animation my collecting all my images and placing them in separate layers & folders in order to stay organized within my new photoshop file. I then began my frame animation by clicking "timeline" within the "window" tab at the top of the screen. Next, I turned on/off layers and moved the different elements of my animation to their desire places in each frame to create the key frames of my piece. I then added in-betweens and changed the speed of each frame to make my animation move as smoothy as possible. After creating my core animation, I added a scene that included my tag brush in the form of latte art on each of the three coffee mugs, before transitioning to the credits and endin...